Beijing National Stadium love

Beijing National Stadium


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  • In fact, in terms of best life moments, it ties with marching into the Beijing National Stadium with my fellow countrymen for the Olympic Opening Ceremonies.

    Shannon Rowbury: What It Felt Like to Win a Bronze Medal at the World Championships in Track 2009

  • The Worldflicks map shows Flickr photos and Youtube videos from the Beijing National Stadium on a Google Map satellite view of the stadium.

    Beijing Google Maps Mash-Ups 2008

  • At the same time, China had its hands full with perhaps the most ambitious construction project ever, including a new airport terminal, a subway system, over a hundred new hotels, enough new roads to wrap around the world four times, and nineteen Olympic sports venues like Beijing National Stadium, termed the 'Bird's Nest.'

    Charley Johnson: One World, Disparate Dreams 2008

  • Spain's team, ironically, also is sponsored by Li-Ning Footwear, a Chinese company founded by Li Ning, the final torchbearer who was hoisted along the top of Beijing National Stadium during the Olympic Opening Ceremony finale.

    Kerry: 'Finish Them Off' 2008

  • Officials at the Beijing Organizing Committee of the Olympic Games last week denied an article in Britain's Sunday Times newspaper that alleged that Chinese authorities had covered up the deaths of 10 or more construction workers at the Beijing National Stadium, the main staging site for the 2008 Games.

    China Cites Worker Deaths 2008

  • The Worldflicks map shows Flickr photos and Youtube videos from the Beijing National Stadium on a Google Map satellite view of the stadium.

    Archive 2008-08-01 2008

  • The artist who designed the Beijing National Stadium, or the "Bird Nest", said that he was kicked and shoved outside a police station in Chengdu, the capital of Sichuan province in south-west

    The Guardian World News 2010

  • Olympic stadium, the Beijing National Stadium, under construction for March completion.

    Purchasing - Top Stories 2010

  • After pulling ourselves away from the Silk Market, we grabbed a cab (woulda taken the subway, but cab fares are obnoxiously cheap here - 40 Yuan (about $6) for a half hour trip …) and headed for the main Olympic venues, including the Beijing National Stadium.

    Progressive Bloggers Trashy's World 2010

  • Olympic stadium, the Beijing National Stadium, under construction for March completion.

    Purchasing - Top Stories 2010


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